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God created you for me to love.

I missed my best friend. Ive been thinking of her, a lot nwdys. She texted me yesterday. Asking whether Im completely fine. I said yes i am. But i never replied. I left the msg alone.

In few years' time if my name ever comes up you will prolly say, 'Eylia. Nw there's a name I completely havent heard fr ages. We used to be best friends. I wonder what she's freaking doing like hell-yes now. I havent seen or thought of her in years !'

And I need to be independent. I think its time fr me to grow up nw. Ive been putting it off, running away frm it fr so long. Life is hard - so wht ? Its hard fr everyone, isnt it ? Anyone who says its easy is a liar, completely. I need to pick myself up and stop feeling sorry fr myself. Smile my friend, im not putting my anger on you. Im happy tht youre nw a big girl and dont need me any more. I love you, for ever amazingly best friend.

-im not emoing, just to let you knw :p