Paper Planes

Tdy ws okay. Went out to raju's fr lunch. Ditched interact meeting fr sm reason. Hihihi sry sabreena & alia. So I had an awesome mo' with elizabeth, jessica, priya & pav. Then darshen came over. Then we went to darshen's house for a while. His parents were working :( and his sister wasn't home. His dogs were crazzzyyy. They barked like shit wei. Idk why dogs always hate me. Look at my face lah! I've got that innocent look what :( so since I'm a malay, I knew that its wrong to touch a dog. So darshen had to hold it. *frgt to ask darshen what's the dog's name. Couldn't care less* XD

Went to a playground nearby darshen's hse. Then he came by bicycle. Dei, I dah lama tak main doh so I bawak jalanjalan the bicycle naik turun bukit until I think I've lost abt 3 kg? ;p then 2 dogs came to us. As usual my face was damn red edi. Allergic lah dgn dogs! :( Derg sgt scary :/ so liz went back home quite early cz she had to visit her sis. Get well soon becca :) I think I wrote too much edi lah better get goin now. I hate dogs! Bye! XX